

Affiliate Programs and Partnership Promotions

Partnership Promotions

NordMarket’s Partnership Promotions, such as Refer a Friend and Introducing Broker packages, are open to anyone. Our competitive association offers make us a valued choice for individuals, institutions, business introducers, white labels, affiliates, and regional representatives worldwide to team up with.

Who can benefit from NordMarket’s Partnership Program?

  • Large institutions who want to outsource their entire forex department and operations.
  • Small companies with state-of-the-art marketing, technology, and liquidity solutions within the forex industry.
  • Fund managers who want to make additional profits based on their existing client base.
  • Business introducers who want to introduce their client base to the company.
  • An individual who refers their friends to the company as potential clients.


What advantages does the NordMarket Partnership Program offer?

  • Multilingual platforms, customer support, sales, and retention strategies.
  • Sound risk-management policies.
  • Innovative marketing strategies to help generate and convert traffic into actual clients.
  • High paying, flexible, and competitive commission structures.
  • A personal, dedicated, account manager to help you with all your needs.
  • Customized solutions for business introducers, and more.

If you’re interested and wish to join our Referral Program please click on the following link:

If you wish to become one of our Introducing Brokers, please click on the following link:

Affiliate Programs

By becoming a part of the NordMarket Affiliate Team one opens themselves up to the myriad of rewarding benefits and commission packages the company has to offer.

For further information and to see how we can benefit from an affiliated relationship, simply contact us at