

Complaints and Dispute Policy

Dispute Policy:

The company and client (from now on, “The Parties”) will attempt in good faith to negotiate a settlement to any claim or dispute between them arising out of or in connection to the company’s Terms & Conditions or any contract, form, or agreement. If the parties fail to agree upon terms of the settlement, either side may submit an independent dispute to confidential arbitration proceedings by a sole arbitrator under the ICC ADR Rules, whose decision shall be final and binding. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English language unless agreed to be conducted otherwise by both parties. Without derogating the provisions above, this clause explicitly sets exclusive jurisdiction to said arbitration process, and neither party shall be entitled to submit any dispute to the courts of its domicile which contradicts said arbitration process.

Complaints Policy:

NordMarket maintains effective and transparent procedures for reasonable and prompt complaint handling for existing and potential clients. As such, we keep records of complaints and measures taken for complaint resolution. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure fair and consistent dealing with client complaints while striving to provide the highest level of customer service.