

Refund And Return Policy

The company’s Refund & Return Policy (withdrawal) of money was developed for the purpose of ensuring client satisfaction, reducing financial and legal risks for the company, and in attempt to counteract money-laundering, fraud, forgery, or the financing of terrorist or illegal activity.

The company will take all necessary measures to prevent and block both input and withdrawal requests by third parties of funds from a customer’s account. Any input and output of money from an account can only be carried out by the owner of that account.

Output requests are accepted through the submission of a withdrawal request through the company’s platform or via verbal or written confirmation by the client to the company.

NordMarket Ltd. and by extension NordMarket, adopts a high priority policy in reimbursing its clients whenever a valid amount of money is requested as a withdrawal, though the company’s proper withdrawal channels and procedure.

Certain criteria must be met and maintained by a client on their account to facilitate the withdrawal of funds. Such criteria include but are not limited to:

  • Any balance NOT required for margin purposes and NOT a credit or bonus as provided by the company, can be furnished out through a regular withdrawal request.
  • The client’s account must be deemed fully KYC verified by the company’s Compliance Department, with the most recent and complete documentation as requested.
  • Said criteria for withdrawal approval is subject to revision per the company’s discretion.

All withdrawal requests are subject to a comprehensive review by the company and liable for cancellation upon the discretion of the company.

Withdrawals for deposited funds will be executed in the manner that the initial funds were received, whenever possible. Withdrawals for profits (funds exceeding the amount initially deposited) may be executed via the credit/debit card used to make the initial deposit (as a single complete transaction), if required by the 3rd party remitters the company work. If not, profit withdrawals will be executed only once the client provides the company with an alternative payment method to submit the funds via. An alternative payment method may also be required in cases where the company is unable to send deposited funds via the original method of payment. In that case, the company will notify the client accordingly and request an alternative method of payment to which we can send the funds. The method through which funds are sent out is ultimately at the company’s discretion.

While the company will always strive to expedite withdrawals in a timely fashion, delays may occur that are out of the company's control. Additionally, processing times may vary depending on the payment method used to send the funds. The time frame for a withdrawal to be executed includes the company's reviewal of said request, the company’s own processing time of the withdrawal request from its systems, as well as processing times from the individual 3rd party financial remitters and institutions they are sent from. Since such 3rd party financial institutions are the ultimate transmitters of said funds, the company is therefore not liable and holds no responsibility nor influence over the processing times of said 3rd party processors, banks, etc.

If all the aforementioned requirements are met, then, generally speaking, the company refrains from canceling any such transactions on a client's account. The company reserves the right to return money to the client if zero activity was recorded on the client’s trading accounts within a specific timeframe, per the company’s discretion.

Additional input and output transactions may occur on a client’s account in accordance with manual adjustments due to market fluctuations, roll-overs, fees, and other financial changes deemed necessary per the company’s Dealing Department. Notifications of such adjustments are sent via to all clientele prior to any adjustment being made. Some adjustments require client confirmation before execution. Overall, the company maintains full disclosure and remains disposed of all inquiries regarding financial changes to a client’s account. Hence, it is a client’s obligation to stay informed of changes to their account.

Any activity on behalf of a client, improper use of the company’s services and products, or misrepresentation of the source or usage of funds to and from the company, will be unequivocally viewed as a breach of contract to the company’s Terms & Conditions and any subsequent forms, agreements, contracts, amendments, and policies. In the event of such an occurrence, the company has the right to unilaterally block entrance to an account, suspend the trade activity of an account, cancel a request for an input-output of funds, or execute a complete return of funds. The company also reserves the right to work within this document and others of its nature, without informing the client beforehand, to ensure a proper response to a breach.

Finally, upon funding a trading account, clients are requested to not submit an application for a retrieval of payment (i.e., chargeback) via the payment provider, bank, or supplier through which the funds were processed by, both in time and after completion of their use of the company services. This stems from the fact that the company will always endeavor to act in good faith with its clientele and respectfully requests the same in return. However, if the company receives such a request, we reserve the right to block entrance to the account, freeze the current balance in the account, as well as send money back to the client, and terminate all services, communication, and commissions.